Taking the next step and turning your business into a franchise is undoubtedly a huge undertaking. Most companies and their owners develop along this route because it’s the easiest and most cost effective way to expand.

It’s not just a question of offering a franchise and hoping for the best, however. Getting it wrong can not only cost you money it can damage your brand and reputation. As with the initial development of your business, you’re going to need to put time and effort into developing your franchise opportunity.

A franchise consultant will ensure you put together the kind of plan that attracts the best franchisees and helps you maintain your standards as you expand the business. They’re experienced professionals who know what’s happening in the market place and understand how to get the best results.

  1. Choosing the Right Franchise Options

The most common franchise opportunities seem to be in retail and hospitality but there’s no limit to the range and variety that can benefit from this approach if you want to expand. A franchise consultant will understand a broad range of different models and be able to advice which approach suits your business best. Do you want to create a company-owned unit or enter into a joint venture, attract new people to the market or build relationships with established businesses? A specialist can help set  you on the right track.

  1. Attracting the Best Franchisees

Setting up the franchise along with all the legal aspects and advertising can be a hit and miss affair if you don’t understand what you are doing. It can be easy to end up with franchisees that may have the necessary capital to invest but might not have the personal qualities required  to grow your brand and develop your reputation. A franchise specialist can help you identify the kinds of people who are going to work well for your particular brand and will understand how to attract them to your business.

  1. Retaining Franchisees and Maintaining Standards

It’s one thing to attract the right franchisees, keeping them for an extended period can be just as difficult. Creating the infrastructure which allows them to thrive will greatly increase your potential for retaining franchisees and that in turn will mean you’ll maintain standards across your brand and outlets. A franchise specialist will be able to advise you on all the aspects you need in place to create a successful operation that suits both your business and benefits the franchisees themselves.

  1. Growing At the Right Pace

It can be easy to get carried away with growing through the franchise process, particularly if you don’t have to worry about bricks and mortar stores and find good initial success. Taking on too much at once, however, can be detrimental particularly if you lose control of things. A franchise consultant will be able to keep your feet on the ground and advise when you might be moving too far too fast.

Whether it’s considering where your market is best placed, the legal ramifications of franchising or the services you need to provide to facilitate success, getting the best advice from the outset is important. A good franchise specialist has a broad range of experience that will prove invaluable once you decide to move in this direction. They can help you get it right from the start and give you the real chance to create a franchise opportunity that is both popular and successful.

Get in touch to claim a FREE, no obligation 30 minute consultation to see how we can help you grow your business thorugh franchising.